“Lina Al-Jinn: The Heart of Al-Afar”


And Lina, a jinn dwelt in the legendary stacks of Al- Afar, an ancient lore that concealed the specialists’ closest secrets on the gold beach. Unlike her brethren, Lina was a rarity among her kin who was gifted, by will of the gods, with a heart as flaming as the most precious gems, brimming with understanding and a craving for a universal combination between her world and humans.

** The Prologue of Lina Al- Ginn and Al- Afar **

In the land of Al- Afar where the rays of sun hit the horizon and the small stars danced to the tunes of the universe, Lina's story began. She was a jinn like wind, her essence inspired by the zephyrs that shaped the smoking and the odors that brought the riddance of remote countries.

Lina's interest in the mortal world was an experience that was as profound and colossal as the skies that she flew. It was a recurring task of hers to put on a mask of one kind or another and roam for no particular reason the streets of the nearest mortal settlements, nose and eyes wide open for new customs and the dark spirit of life there.

One disastrous night, under the calm crescent moon that kindly shines, Lina crossed paths with an ancient. He shared an ancient lore, a vision of a land that the human, jinn spirits were connected once upon a time, a place for sharing and camaraderie. However, the platform which is known as the ramp of Al-Afrah has melted away in the vast desert of time, forgotten by hopelessness, anxiety and suspicion.

.Upon hearing the fibber's words, Lina dedicated herself to save the Arc of Al- Afar and reunite all the parts that were unconnected. According to Aesop's fable, Ant and the Grasshopper undertook a journey that led them through the center of the wilderness, therein, they were put to the test of their resilience and determination.

In spite of everything, she faced and overcame the storms of the Sand Sea, defeated the wits of the desert spirits, as well as solved riddles left behind by the ancient ones in their ruins. The adventure took her to the myriad Oasis called as Dungeon of Glasses while the Arc mote was said to be hidden there.

In the Oasis, Lina realized that the Arc wasn't about the literal space anymore but the deeper meaning behind it that taught her to empathize and understand her better. To 

To her surprise, the true bond between men and elves wasn't a location, but a choice: a mutual willingness to be a vessel of teaching and discoveries.

Upon gaining fresh knowledge, Lina took part in the tease and made herself publicly confused about her issue with the fibber. She newsed about her voyage, and with painstaking efforts, it became live in the hearth of both humans, jinn, and they wove stories, horselaugh, and dreams for all taking part.

And so, the tale of Al Jinn Lina which symbolically enlightened that a world bereft of hope could virtually be a haven of spiritual resurrection when it's located at the most profound divide at the court of the heart with the power of courage and love.

The end.✨

Thus, the eye-opener of allegory that came from creativity, tells the beauty of coziness and the clairvoyance of awareness. I hope you will find this experience not only interesting but also life-changing just like the people in her world were with her.


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